Leesa Clark Stone

Leesa interviews a Nashville t-shirt shop owner donating shirt sales proceeds to benefit tornado victims, for NBC's Today Show
Leesa is comfortable wearing many hats in television: including writer, producer, on-camera talent and voice-over talent.
For the past 27 years Leesa has covered national stories as a field producer for major nationwide news outlets and cable network programs, from feature stories including home design, entertainment and music news coverage, to breaking stories at the scenes of natural disasters such as major flooding, plane crashes and destruction in the wake of tornadoes.
She's produced turnkey artist EPKs for record labels and fundraising videos for non-profit organizations. In her work with Stone Productions, LLC Leesa has covered and interviewed everyone from entertainers, to politicians and law enforcement officials to corporate executives and everyday people. She has also helped Fortune 500 CEOs craft their on camera image, delivery and messaging in corporate communication videos.

Leesa interviewing Foreigner lead singer Kelly Hansen for the ITV series, Breaking the Band

During the pandemic, with director Michael Johnson producing and acting as technical director for a Stone Productions live stream production at Vanderbilt University
She especially loves working on projects that combine two of her passions: music and documentary-style storytelling, but finds something to love in every project. As an interviewer, Leesa always listens in soundbites while thinking about how to visually communicate what each person is saying, when it comes to making sure the best b-roll and imagery is captured in the field.
Before her work with Stone Productions, Leesa began learning her craft over the course of a career that included radio and network affiliate television work as a reporter and anchor in Hawaii, anchoring on CNN’s Headline News, and reporting and anchoring in Nashville at CBS affiliate, WTVF.
Leesa’s work has earned her one Emmy® Award for Entertainment Program, plus Emmy® nominations for Public Affairs programming and for writing. She’s also won three Bronze and three Silver Telly Awards. She has written one book, Paradise to Paradise: The Rap Reiplinger Story, which has a 5 star rating on Amazon.

Leesa with Kim Campbell, Glen Campbell's widow speaking with producers in London via Zoom link, for the ITV program, Autopsy
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect. Call, email or text!